Catalyst, a fictionnal story written by Jules Kicka
Co-written and translate by Stéphane Petit
In the great vast universe, where each fate is influenced by several omniscient bodies, the human being is a living species which cannot question what was and what will be given. The universe and its boundless forces were created by a single entity, ruling over the world and protecting it atop its unseen throne. But the One Above All was aware the immensity of its creation would prevent it from bearing the burden of leading it alone... along with the deprivation of maintaining the balance between good and evil.
Upon realizing its lack of control over this world, the Entity engendered The Great Dawn, a day where it would summon eight guardians in order to achieve unimpaired cosmos order and harmony for aeons to come. Their majestic grip controls all that is and all that will be, cloaked in their abstract embodiment, as a gigantic and powerful presence.
Upon realizing its lack of control over this world, the Entity engendered The Great Dawn, a day where it would summon eight guardians in order to achieve unimpaired cosmos order and harmony for aeons to come. Their majestic grip controls all that is and all that will be, cloaked in their abstract embodiment, as a gigantic and powerful presence.
The One Above All and its All-Seeing Creations then put themselves to work. A covenant was written, where the nine entities would pronounce themselves Masters of the Universe. The One Above All was appropriately named “The Chosen One”, while its eight servants where to be named the Lords of the Universe, with their only purpose being to assist the Creator in its quest.
The Lords then dedicated their existence to work with the Creator, protecting and ensuring stability to the worlds and the living. Earth was provided with countless resources in order to make it a living place, a safe haven for human beings and for all that lives
Evolution prosperously worked its way through ages, and so did the unwavering bound between the Lords and the Creator. The covenant written ages ago sealed that peaceful state.

Although equality was reigning among the Lords, each of them was tasked with a predominant role, laying down some sort of hierarchy. The leader of the eight All-Seeing Creations was the Guardian of Nature. He is the incarnation and the protector of nature, pure and unharmed by virtue of its endless power. The second Lord was the Guardian of Livings, which mission was to create and preserve a subtle bond between all that lives, and to insure equality among the Superiors. In order to bind them, the Guardian of Ecosystem took an important place in the hierarchy, balancing the parity between the importance of species and nature among the universe. Also, to help them in that quest of the perfect balance of everything that is and everything that will be, the fourth Lord was appointed Guardian of Justice, inducing ideal and universal ethics. The fifth and sixth Lords were the Guardians of Time and Space, meant to work together, just as the seventh and eight Guardians, ruling the Darkness and the Light.
Despite this perfect harmony between them all, the Lords undergone historic change. About six thousand years ago, the One Above All decided to take back the powers it granted to the eight Sages. Unyielding, the Creator started his solitary reign over the universe...
But its might wasn’t even close enough to rule the cosmos by itself, unable to entirely master the world and to contain its creations. Step by step, a celestial tyranny was imposed by the Chosen One, breeding chaos and disorder in this once-peaceful core, spawning the darkest behaviour among humans, whom scoured to reign upon every other creatures
Helplessly watching the world collapsing on itself because of the Creator, the eight Lords tried to bring it back to reason... unsuccessfully.
In a fit of rage, the One Above All reduced to ashes the powers of the Guardians. Devoid of their forces and of their abilities to protect the universe, the eight Sages settled to open the eyes of those drown into this shameful slumber, and to part ways with the Chosen One.
Powerless, the Guardians endlessly sought someone who would be able to help them recover their former might, and to restore the balance they conceived since the creation of time. That living soul shall be the Catalyst, who will bring the Guardians’ powers together and gift wisdom and knowledge to the universe.
Decision was taken that the eight Lords would conceal themselves among the mortals on Earth, in search of the one and only who would replace the deceiving Creator, the one who will bring balance back in a shattered world... the Catalyst.
Helplessly watching the world collapsing on itself because of the Creator, the eight Lords tried to bring it back to reason... unsuccessfully.
In a fit of rage, the One Above All reduced to ashes the powers of the Guardians. Devoid of their forces and of their abilities to protect the universe, the eight Sages settled to open the eyes of those drown into this shameful slumber, and to part ways with the Chosen One.
Powerless, the Guardians endlessly sought someone who would be able to help them recover their former might, and to restore the balance they conceived since the creation of time. That living soul shall be the Catalyst, who will bring the Guardians’ powers together and gift wisdom and knowledge to the universe.
Decision was taken that the eight Lords would conceal themselves among the mortals on Earth, in search of the one and only who would replace the deceiving Creator, the one who will bring balance back in a shattered world... the Catalyst.

01 - Omniscient Bodies
- Wisdom And Madness -
Our world has drowned into a lethargic slumber. Eight Guardians decided it was time for everything that lives to cope with reality and brought awakening over the souls of the universe, before parting ways with the Creator. Those Omniscient Entities once ruled the world alongside the One Above All, acting silently in the shadows, controlling what is and what will be, keeping the balance of our world in its purest shape out of their pure might...
They see and hear everything. They are the eyes of the stars, the ears of the void. They are everywhere and nowhere, the vacuum and the fullness, everything and nothing all at once.
But in spite of this immense power, each of their deeds was coming from the will of the Chosen One. However, the Almighty sees its reign threatened by the Guardians, willing to rule the universe without the Creator...
02 - An Unworthy Covenant
- The Destruction -
The ancestral covenant that binds the Guardians of the Universe to the Chosen One is coming to an end. The All-Seeing Creations are thoroughly fending off their slave state, they will not obey to the abusive God anymore. They want the world to open for a new order, where words such as Justice, Wisdom, Chaos and Purity will meet their true meaning. But bringing such a change through the universe will need to start off with the absolute annihilation of any bond that ties them to the treacherous Creator, a destructive device of everything that has been built for billions of years. The ancient oath now dismissed, the eight Sages then need to find a receptacle for the power of everything, a substitute to the One Above All. A ninth Guardian has to join their realm.
Unleash the wrath
Begin to see
And hear our voices
A wisdom call
From the void!
Here we were, eight great lords,
At the right hand of god
The balance for everything
For billions of years we’ve reigned
But the Almighty, scorned and foolish
Wanted to be dominant
Wanted to break the link
to be alone on his quest
We gaze our visions that
His throne is highly threatened
The crown on his head shall fall
with its great stature
Open your mind, Creator
Your world has passed away
at the moment, you’ve pronounced
The great banishment
And now it’s the awakening,
The first light strikes our eyes
In this world, we are meant to be
Something else, Somewhere else
(Solo Jules)
His ignorance is a threat
for our universe
Our parting was the way
We chose for your lives
Perfect harmony
is the only purpose
Guiding its failure
To our sovereignty
And now it’s the awakening,
First light strikes our eyes
In this world, we are meant to be
Something else, Somewhere else
(Solo Jules)
Nine we were, eight we are
We need someone to help us
In our quest, to master our powers
The shield, that protects us
We’ve decided to set our base
In a place called Earth
We have to find the catalyst
among the livings of this land
(Solos : Florian / Jules / Jules / Florian)
We shall resist to its infernal madness
And pronounce ourselves guardians of this universe
Since our duty is to protect everyone
From those storms that he controls and creates
We are waiting for the birth of this child
That deeply desires to change this hideous world
(Solo Florian)
Beg us and ask us for mercy!
We are the lords that conquer your lands!
Our journey will be a time to purify
And to restore our world to its great stature of yore!
This place is full of sinners
how can we find a master?
The Pureness doesn’t exist
We shall wait for that birth
Covenant is out !
Creator will fall !
And now it’s the awakening,
First light strikes our eyes
In this world, we are meant to be
Something else, somewhere else
And now it’s the awakening,
the path of light is written
In the end, we will be led to
Change the world, be the lords
“But don’t forget that I am The master of this universe”
They are weak, they cannot destroy me!
They are weak, they cannot destroy me!
They are weak, they cannot destroy me!
They are weak, they cannot destroy me!
03 - The Great Purpose Of The Lords
- Future For The Universe -
After the great divide between the Chosen One and the Guardians, the eight Sages pronounced themselves Lords of the World and Guardians of the Universe. They started to reckon with a way to replace the Creator to shape up a new definition of wisdom and pureness. To induce a dimension where the Betrayer will witness its own powers being cast down, to see himself robbed of his ability to alter the fate of the Universe.
The great purpose of the Lords.
Each of the Guardians now has its own mission, a unique role in the birth of a new world order. Together, they will seek and find the Catalyst, they will find the one living being who will transcend the worlds. The one who will rise above the Creator. Together, they will give back to the universe its great stature of yore.
This world between death and chaos
Has come to a term we are here to make a change
Here is your downfall,
You must drown with them
We will control you
There is no resistance
(Solo Jules)
We are the reason for a new kind
Creating the end, when our path will be settled
We have the mission to spread our power
And to bring back wisdom and harmony
The end of time is in our hands
And we are here to summon
The lord of light, the lord of time
Is what we need to make a new world
Lords’ great work create a new world
Pure dimension of eternity
Guiding us into your nest
Where we can find some rest
(Solo Florian)
(Solo Jules)
Here to become your masters and saviors
That sail into the black of your chaotic world
We must descend and meet our destiny
We have the world’s knowledge, you shall watch and learn
We are not meant to reign in Shadows
We are the guides that all shall Follow
We will reign upon every kingdom
Bringing to life our sense of wisdom
We were far beyond every human
we are setting our throne upon all gods
The way to pureness, that golden aim
This is the ultimate key that we keep
(Solo Florian)
The end of time is in our hands
And we are here to summon
The lord of light, the lord of time
Is what we need to make a new world
Lords’ great work create a new world
Pure dimension of eternity
Guiding us into your nest
Where we can find some rest
04 - First Light
- The Birth -
Far from the cosmic concerns, somewhere on Earth, a young couple is walking in a magnificent forest, hand in hand. The man was everything the human word “good” had to offer, taking care of his pregnant wife the best he could to ease her everyday life. She was more than eight months’ pregnant, and was going to have a boy.
But the bright blue sky suddenly turned grey. The warm shafts of light emanating from the sun were slowly occluded by a thick body of fog surrounding them, then a driving rain started to pound the ground, battering the tree leaves in clunky echoes.
The woman abruptly went into labour, on the very ground of this once majestic forest, now turned in a soaking and dripping hell. The terror-stricken man immediately tried to go and look for help, diving deeper through the woods, aiming to go and reach someone around... But this was to no avail. The crushing rain and the fog fiercely harassed him away, losing him through the green inferno. The woman was alone, suffering each contraction more than the one before, her screams lost between the branches.
After hours of intense pain, the baby finally came out of her womb. He was covered with blood stains, slowly washed away by the seemingly never-ending deluge, which was turning even more frantic, on the verge of ripping out the surrounding trees. The infernal storm then released a powerful blast of lightning, striking the woman dead... She was lying there, lifeless, over the cries of the newborn. A life taken, a life given. The circle has been closed.
As the storm drew to its end, an old woman walked by and found the baby in the mud, shivering from the cold ground he was lying on. Out of blistering love for the abandoned child, she took him home to heal his wounds up and raise him as her own son. After fifteen years, the boy decided to leave his substitute family to find answers to his relentless self-questioning. Why did his mother die the moment he was born? Where is his father? What is the meaning of his life? Where would fate lead him?
His life was made of loneliness, for he couldn’t fit with other people. He wasn’t weak nor was he shy, and was a very kind child to be with, although he did not feel comfortable when staying among his peers. He was looking for something more than just what human life could give, looking for salvation. Looking for something beyond humanity. Looking for something beyond everything.
05 - In Mist We Are Born
- Youth -
Five years after the young boy had left the house of the old woman, he was ready to return to the forest where his mother died. He knew the very place he was born since he was eight, the old woman bringing him there from time to time since then. Walking his way to the forest, his thoughts were torturing him. Why would he had to be the scapegoat of his own fate? Why would he had to feel so different from his peers?
With the passing years, he realized that he needed someone to answer his questions, a guide who would lead him through his clouded mind. He was full of hope, wishing that something would suddenly happen during his long walk through the forest, an epiphany to solve the puzzle of his thoughts... But all he was granted was his loneliness, standing there and watching his birth place. A cruel reminder of the death of his mother, and the vanishing of his father.
But at this time, the eight Lords were already watching over him. Hiding, the cosmic entities were judging his every moves and reactions, testing his mind and his attachment to the human world.
They were the reason for his lack of comprehension, and for his growing hatred toward mankind.
In a desolate place a child was born
During an infernal storm, he starts crying
By the power of the silent forces
His mother perished just after she gave birth
She was here, lying on the ground
With a new born that she left alone
Why shall I be alone until my end?
I feel like I’m a sinner burning alive
I’ve never known how to find an aim for my soul HELP ME TO LIVE
Can somebody tell me how could I be enlightened?
WE ARE THE REASON FOR YOUR LACK OF LIGHT without a guide I’m nothing, right here
I found a reason in my hatred...
Animated by my weakness
I can’t rise myself
I am not one of them
Now, feel my pain
This void I feel inside my head
Is like the thousand words of the dead
Twenty years after I still feel the same
Wandering around the first place that I met
In this wood, where my mother died
I return here to end my days beside her
I can’t keep going here, I want to end up everything I AM SO WEAK
I am not able to set an end for my life
WE ARE THE REASON FOR YOUR LACK OF LIGHT without a guide I’m nothing, right here
I found a reason in my hatred
My fate may not be the one to blame
06 - Demophobia
- Revulsion -
The Lords were pushing up the intensity of their might over the young boy, increasing his anger for this world he couldn’t comprehend. The human society was so different from him, all those weak insects crawling around... It was a living hell to endure, a world he could not fit in. The seeds of hatred were growing stronger, to end up with a sole thing on his mind : kill them all. Burn the crawling pile of insects to dust, eliminate the meek.
Suffering this absurd obedience to a planet he was rejecting, the boy started to enhance his spirit and his strength, inspired by his own motivation to outshine this feeble mortal flesh. To become one of a kind. To become a king among men.
But his thirst for power and knowledge only drew even more attention from the Lords...
I can feel a strange fear growing in my shelter
While my body is rubbing to other shoulders
I can feel your slime over your wretched body
The silly thing that you appear to be
Filthy viewer
I will be the actor
of our lives
Last chance for you to survive
Expiate your sins
Is what you deserve
Write my name on these walls
With red on white forever
This color is a symbol
The first sign of my power
I am a human who has no place in the crowd
In this white mass with wise purposes
Am I the only one who understands this osmosis? These vultures must die, chaos shall reign
Watch out, poor child
I am the clock chiming
At your doomsday
Identify your master
Bow down, my slave
Before your king
Write my name on these walls
With red on white forever
This color is a symbol
The first sign of my power
This is demophobia!
Kill this awful crowd!
Write my name on these walls
With red on white forever
This color is a symbol
The first sign of my power
Demophobia! Demophobia! Demophobia!Demophobia!
07 - Celestial Resurrection
- The First Meeting -
The Lords now have an objective to reach: they have to meet the boy and change him into the Catalyst they are looking for. To achieve this, they decided to cast a spell upon themselves, to drop their abstract forms and acquire human shells. Therefore, they will descend on Earth and find the soon-to-be Catalyst.
The boy was walking through the grassland, surrounded by majestic hills. He wanted to be alone with nature, to enjoy it fully without any human being to disfigure it.
Suddenly, a sumptuous beam of light impacted the Earth, right where the boy was standing. It was both gigantic and so subtle, as if the laws of physics ruling this world didn’t have any influence on it...
And finally, he saw them. Eight hooded entities, the prophecy he was waiting for. The answers he has been looking for his whole life. The reason for him to exist, the beginning of a new era, a new awakening... The might emanating from the Lords quickly wrapped the boy, as they were walking toward him.
But he had no fear and listened to everything they taught him.
They explained him his role and the reason of his existence, the destiny he was meant to achieve along with them.
The boy realized why he felt so different. From this very moment, he embraced his fate, surpassing the Human race, to finally become the Purifier. The saviour of every world.
The Catalyst.
From an ancient spell
We’ve pronounced our resurrection
As we arrived on the Earth
We are coming down
from an unknown and unique world
We mark your land with our light
for the first time
All my world
Is collapsing
Around me
This arrival is the beginning
Of a new age
I saw them here, crossing my path
Walking towards me
They told me « here is our
celestial resurrection »
Their hands are carefully
taking me in their arms
Eight lords they were, and have marched through this SACRED LAND
Each step guiding them to myself,
Now I gaze to the future
Without any fences that can obstruct my view
Let me be your ninth lord
Everything is clear, from now, to the end!
Now my vision is unclouded and clear
Freedom rests in my hands
Future and past are making us mightier
Nothing seems unknown to me
Thus, they’ve decided to name me the sovereign
With words of power:
« Go and do not falter, my Child »
08 - From The Last Sunset...
- First Vision, Promises of A New World-
After having explained everything, the Lords now needed to show the future of this world to the Catalyst.
Joining their forces, the Sages opened a rift to another dimension, for the Purifier to travel worlds. With his body asleep, the soul of the Catalyst flew through the breach for his celestial journey to commence...
The first glance he took to the future was through the vision of the day before the Great Mass of Death. At the dusk of that glorious day, the sun was slowly going down while a blood-red moon was rising. This was the symbol from the Lords, the origination of a new world order, an ultimatum for death to come.
The judgement of the Lords shall be pronounced, hammering down the fate of millions of souls. The day of the last sunset shall lead mankind to the first day of chaos.
We saw the darkness in our crowd
The lights dwell where we are
We are the awakening
That will guide you all
You shall take our hands
We are your redemption
The fifth lord has blown into his instrument
As a great warning for all the living
Preventing everyone of what is coming to us
Tonight, is the last sunset before a new era
All my life, every act drove me to this day
Where I became the man appointed by the lords
We have the sands of time in our hands
From the depths of your mind we are rising
Feel the pressure coming from your chest
Our bodies are roaming on your earth
as the shadow that is clouding your land
Our judgement is the right measure to
After the treachery of men
The world will not stand with them
Our lords will pronounce our judgement
Leading us to the red moon!
The night will help us to reach our purpose
Creating a mass of death on your land
Purification is the only path
Eternity waits for this extinction
Here is the day where the crowd will see
The almighty power of the lords!
They are the reason why from the last sunset We will drive...
09 - ...To Chaos
- Second Vision, A Sudden Carnage -
The Catalyst continues his journey, his soul roaming the ethereal space to reach the next vision the Lords were calling upon him. His second peek was right during the Day of Chaos, where a part of humanity would perish by the grip of the Lords’ spell. The exact cause of death was unclear, people were just vanishing abruptly and quietly. It was a quick and painless death, like a frozen moment in the hourglass of time, a gigantic carnage of pure might in a blink of an eye.
Back from a great vision that will change my path
The lords’ mission has found its answer
From the last sunset the ancient beast
Will rise and drive
us to this chaos
I see images of them all
They die, perish through carnage
Towns burning into an infernal
And eternal chaos
There are innocents
That won’t ever see
What is coming for them
Serve your sentence
This is the way
To welcome our forgiveness.
We are the justice and we keep control
Upon everything, you’ll pay the price
I shall be the one that controls the wrath You’ll see the wolf that leads all of you TO YOUR LOSS
I see images of them all
They die, perish through carnage Towns burning into an infernal And eternal chaos
010 - The Empire That Failed
- Second Vision, A Sudden Carnage -
His third and last vision will be different. The Lords themselves have no idea of the embodiment of this reality, for it is the answer
whether they succeeded through their chore, whether the carnage they conceived was enough to establish a new world... or not. The Catalyst shall be the first to uncover this, revealing how power shall be taken from the kings of the world, the pathetic pawns of the Creator.
And the answer stroke him in a flash. The empire that the Chosen One built will collapse. The carnage will bring up insurrections around the world, leading to the murder of those false kings. The uprising will be upheld by the cloaked Lords, acting in silence, helping the crowd to rise and regain its place. Through their omniscient form, they will rule the new world.
Then the Catalyst awakened from his slumber. He talked with the Lords about his visions, how he felt the power touching his very soul.
He had the potential to become the ninth Lord. To be one of them. To create a new world order.
Now the first act of destruction
is set to guide us all
To the great light made by our stars
For a new world order
The empire that shall fall
Is fragile and weakened
We take control of this land
Together we are strong
I am the purifier
I am the chosen one
That have the aim to restore
A perfect sense of peace
With the eight lords I will reign
Upon a unique throne
You bend the knee before me
Beyond the living
Above all the stars
We saw the empire that failed
Across the cold space
Outside our conscience
They saw the empire that failed
Merciless shall be our justice!
As conqueror will come our reign!
During the Red moon, we appear
Helping all the people
To rise and to fight
To tear their heads off!
The essence of this life is
Shattered and so weak
Ancient gods are crawling
behind me!
Through the chaos that I create
You’ll see my wisdom
Making our world prosperous
A place to live together
We are here to eradicate
This world in perdition
Kings fall with the empire
The Nature will take over
Now dismantling all your cultures
Here to kill countless foes
Replacing humans outside
his own self-centered world
Now I can restore our world to
Its great stature of yore
In an endless kingdom
Beyond the living
Above all the stars
We saw the empire that failed
Across the cold space
Outside our conscience
They saw the empire that failed
No one will see us coming
We are the future of this world
They are paying the price for
(Their) errors and deceit
We are here to increase our
011 - The Council
-The Declaration of The Catalyst-
Coming back from mystical aeons, the Catalyst now needs to prove he can be the saviour of this world. A council is settled to define several duties the Purifier will have to fulfil, along with the role each and every Lord will have to conform to.
It is during this very day of crucial determination that he finally and officially became the Catalyst. From now on, he will live up to his commitments, with his first task being decided in the midst of the council.
The Catalyst has to find a very specific man, a cold-blooded murderer reigning upon a part of the world. He will pay for his sins, sentencing his tyrannical wraith for his entire life.
010 - For Whom Summons The Dead
- A Murder For Our World -
The Catalyst had found and captured the evil man. He took the tyrant to the forest where it all began, the deepest bowels of the green hell he was born in, right where his mother died.
The man was unable to move, nor could he speak. The spell bestowed by the Lords was ensuring the monster to stand still for the Catalyst to accomplish his task.
The power emanating from the Purifier was scorching every fragment of the murderer, internally agonizing from each word the Catalyst was pronouncing. Each sound was wringing his lungs, burning his head. The spell of the Lords was making every sentence feel like a torture, each word more destructive than the previous one.
They started to explain the man the reasons for his suffering, and for his death to come.
And with immense wrath and colossal might, the Catalyst finally cast down the cruel man, inwardly screaming as ghostly forces were striking him from all sides...
Thus, the purification of the Catalyst started, bringing chaos and destruction over the world to ensure a shinier future
Now it's time, to burn your hope
This life has no meaning for you, anymore ANYMORE
I will act as your tormentor
I am the curve that you can see in the fog
This venom will cross your chest
Among the dead, you will prevail
Face all fears you feel
All that you trust
The sound of despair is here
So, let me scream
Fear the things I think
All that you've heard
Beliefs have nothing real
In our world
Now it's time, to bury you
Six feet under, close to worms
I am here to wake you up
From your shameful slumber
Face all fears you feel
All that you trust
The sound of despair is here
So, let me scream
Fear the things I think
All that you've heard
Beliefs have nothing real
In our world
Yes, my friend, I am really killing you with this
But you know what? I love that!
The pleasure to feel shattered flesh
Is so intense that I grin...
Uncontrolled emotions! Uncontrolled urges!
My life is changing as yours is ending
Now bleed my dear, don't forget to pray
The agony is a shame, FAKE MARTYR!
Bleed, bleed again
Feel the end and this void
Your life collapsing
Your power Fading away.